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College Admissions


PSG College of Arts and Science, Admission Procedures

Coimbatore Tamilnadu, PSG ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE Admission Procedures

Admission Procedures
College Admission Procedures - 2015
Application for Aided programs and Self financed programs are DIFFERENT.

Candidates are advised to apply in the separate prescribed application forms for Aided and Self financing programmes.

Under-Graduate Programmes :-

Purchase of Application...For Aided Programmes

Application for admission shall be made in the prescribed form. The form can be obtained from the Canara Bank by paying Rs. 25/- in person. Separate application shall be made for each course.

Purchase of Application...For Self Financing Programmes

Application for admission shall be made in the prescribed form. The form can be obtained from the Canara Bank by paying Rs. 100/- in person. Separate application shall be made for each course.

Submission of Application
Filled in application forms with
(i) photocopy of the +2 mark statement and
(ii) photocopy of the Community Certificate
shall be submitted to The Principal, PSG College of Arts & Science, Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore-641 014.

Admission will be made in each branch according to the rules of reservation prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

Direct admission will be done under Management Quota. The candidates can directly approach the Principal from the day of the publication of +2 results with a printout of marks from internet.


Each application should be REGISTERED AT THE COLLEGE OFFICE by remitting a sum of Rs. 10/- by cash or by Bank Draft drawn in favour of PSG COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE, COIMBATORE. (Money Order/Postal Orders will not be accepted). In case of registration by post, the candidate should send the Bank Draft along with the application. Application without registration fee, will not be considered. Candidates are advised to make note of both the application number and registration number for future reference.

On Line Registration
Candidate can register, through on line application form. Application form can be downloaded from the college website ‘’ and should be send the application along with a Demand Draft in the name of Principal, PSG College of Arts & Science for Aided programmes Rs. 50/- and for Self financing programmes Rs. 125/-

Post-Graduate Programmes:-

Purchase of Application And Submission

Application for admission shall be made in the prescribed form. The form can be obtained from the College Office by paying Rs. 50/- for aided programmes (for self financing Rs. 100/-) in person or by sending a Bank Draft for Rs. 75/- (self financing Rs. 125/-) drawn in favour of PSG COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE, COIMBATORE.(Money Order/Postal Order cannot be accepted). Separate applications shall be made for each course.

On Line Registration
Candidate can register, through on line. Application can be downloaded from the college website ‘’ and send the application along with a Demand Draft in the name of the Principal PSG College of Arts & Science for Rs.75/- for aided (self financing Rs.125/-) programmes.

Filled in application forms with
(i) Photocopy of the Semester wise (not consolidated) Mark statements of the Degree Programme and
(ii) Photocopy of the Community Certificate
shall be submitted to The Principal, PSG College of Arts & Science, Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore-641 014, within 10 calendar days from the date of publication of the Bharathiar University UG results. Applications received after 4.00pm of the said calendar day will NOT be considered.


Each application should be REGISTERED AT THE COLLEGE OFFICE by remitting a sum of Rs. 10/- by cash or by Bank Draft drawn in favour of PSG COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE, COIMBATORE. (Money Order/Postal Orders will not be accepted). In case of registration by post, the candidate should send the Bank Draft along with the application. Application without registration fee, will not be considered. Candidates are advised to make note of both the application number and registration number for future reference.


The admission committee sorts out all the applications received branch-wise and arranges them in the order of weighted marks. The admission officer calculates the weighted marks of each candidate assessed as per the Government Instruction. Admission will be made in each branch, considering the weighted marks assessed and the community reservation or other reservations prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Names of candidates selected for admission together with the weighted marks for each person will be put up on the Notice Board for the information of the candidates. The selected candidates will be informed of the selection by post under certificate of posting. Selected candidates must join the college on the date specified in the admission card. Requisition for postponement will not be considered.

However, when a candidate is not able to come for admission, he/she can send a responsible person with all the Certificates and the Fees to be remitted (fee for hostel admission, if needed).

The selection list together with waiting list will be displayed on the College Notice Board. Every candidate in the list will be informed of his/her position by letter under certificate of posting. Such candidates must be present on the date and time specified along with the certificates and fees to be remitted.

The wait listed candidates present on the date specified will be told whether the admission is confirmed or not. If confirmed they must join immediately. However, such candidates who have joined some other college, can submit their original certificates later, provided, they show the original receipts of the college where they have joined. In case of candidates not showing the receipts, their selection will be cancelled and the next candidate in the waiting list will be admitted immediately.

All admissions made are PROVISIONAL subject to the approval of the Bharathiar University and the Director of Collegiate Education. The college has the right to cancel the admission made, if any of the documents submitted is found to be false or the qualification of the candidate admitted is not approved by the Bharathiar University.

All admissions made are subject to verification of the Mark Statements by the Director of Government Examination and if the Mark Statement is found to be bogus, the admission is liable to be cancelled and criminal action would be taken against the concerned candidate.

Certificates to be Produced at the Time of Admission

10th & 12th standard mark statements. (Original and Photo copies)
Transfer Certificate. (Original and Photo copy)
Conduct Certificate from the Head of the Institution last studied (Original)
Community Certificate (Original) if the selection is based on Community Quota (not applicable for Open Competition selection)
NCC/NSS Certificate in the prescribed form
2 stamp size photos
Prescribed fees
Eligibility certificate from the Bharathiar University for the Candidates who passed qualifying examination other than +2 examination of Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary / CBSE.
Degree Marks Statements (Semester wise original)
Provision certificate from the concerned university incase of PG admission

Those who do not bring any one of the documents listed above will not be admitted.
Candidate must come along with their parent at the time of admission.

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